Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 3


  1. how is it possible for a little tiny baby to look so much like Jerry? I mean, they're both cute and all, but still...
    I'm pretty sure Levi could take that Stellen kid. You go, Levi.

  2. Carrie, are you suggesting I wear the pants in the gene pool? If so, it's nice to see I get to wear pants sometimes, even if only when swimming.

  3. he is so cute! you should bring him by again. so we're planning on going out on thursday august 23rd to saigon express in IV for vietnamese food from 4-6 pm, as sponsored by the new office morale committee. you should join us, but i understand if you can't as a noisy restaurant might not be the best for adorable babies. however, nams and emily will be back next week and we're all missing you like whoa, so you should come by for lunch one day and bring the little guy. you take such fabulous pictures of him. he is seriously ridiculously adorable.
