Tuesday, January 11, 2011


You know how a 5-day forecast will have a temperature, an icon, and a short description of the day's weather? Well around these parts, the forecast doesn't just say "snow" or "chance of rain". Its more like this (these are all real):

Monday: Ice pellets
Tuesday: Freezing fog
Wednesday: Flurries
Thursday: Freezing drizzle
Friday: Wintry mix

So better watch out for that freezing fog. And what kind of cop-out is "wintry-mix"? To me its still just "cold".


  1. so fun! can't imagine how cold it is there!! at least you have snow to show for it! i love levi's snow shoes and love your mittens!!!

  2. Wintery mix sounds like some sort of candy sampler from See's. I bet it's not, though.

  3. Wintry mix sounds like a Christmas album to me.

    And freezing fog is so confusing. At first I thought they were just combining "it's freezing out there" with "it's foggy out there" thus freezing fog. But according to wikipedia the fog is supercooled, and I think I took too many classes on thermodynamics because now I'm just annoyed that unlike wikipedia's assertions I have yet to "grab a handful" of it.


  4. How fun! I need to go out and do that.

  5. the guy who is in charge of the weather descriptions is a hard working individual with a weather thesaurus.

  6. and who takes "too many classes on thermodynamics"? how many is too many?

  7. Beth, is 5 classes too many?

    I guess the real answer is one class is probably too many. Why bother taking the class if after you're done you still can't understand the weather report.
