Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Fun

We had a lot of halloween fun this year.  A party at work, a party at church, a party with work friends, a party at preschool, a party in town, and finally some good ol' trick or treating around the neighborhood, which I think was my favorite part.  Although the party at preschool was awfully cute.

I'm also quite proud of the photo booth I set up at the church party (see below).
And yes, we did walk through snow to get to people's houses to trick or treat.


  1. Hey! You've had a busy few days. Nice display for the photo corner! Did you get to be the photographer as well? Cute pictures. Precious one of Levi & Gwen! Cute little boys at the table. Is that preschool?

  2. one of my favorite things about being a mom is explaining to a kid (who doesn't remember the year before) what we are about to do. gwen seems to be saying, "say what?".

  3. Is that snow on the ground? Where do you guys live, anyways? Your kids continue to be irresistibly cute.

  4. So cute. Love the costumes. How sad that you had to walk through snow to trick or treat!

  5. I can't even tell you how much I love the costume.
