Thursday, July 21, 2011

some good ones

In case you didn't recognize it, that is Krissie being a Tyrannosaurus for Levi. What a good friend she is.


  1. you say she's being a tyrannosaurus for levi. but, I have to say, I don't see levi in that small photo. i think she's being a tyrannosaurus for you. which probably makes her an even better friend.

  2. so sweet! the one with gwen sleeping on jerry, she looks just like levi!

  3. "white, fair, and blessed" was still in my head when i scrolled down to the "i see a sea monster" pic. hahaha. awesome picture.

  4. Just wait until Levi gets into bugs. Then I'll teach him the "Head, Thorax, Abdomen" song. It's like "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" but better.

  5. YOur header picture is awesome!! As are the others of course.
