Sunday, March 27, 2011

3.75 yrs

In primary, they were introducing all the new 3yr olds by singing a little song that included the kid's name and something that they like to do. They would bring up each kid and ask them to name a favorite activity, then sing a little song "hello to ___, who likes to___". So the song leader was going through the kids and they were saying things like, I like to read books and I like to play trains. When they brought Levi up they sang the first part of the song and said, Levi, what do you like? His response - "I like turning light switches on and off."

Good job kid, I bet all those other guys were wishing they could change their answer.


  1. that is an amazing picture. i keep staring at it...and staring at it... and staring...

  2. Yeah, all the OCD Sunbeams were shaking their heads 3 times, rocking twice and then repeating, "I also enjoy that."

  3. best blog post i've read anywhere in a while. awesome.

  4. He is so cute... and this post was so awesome.

  5. You should take him to a hotel where there are 8 lamps that he can run around and turn on and off. It makes everything better to have flickering lights.

  6. ^^LOL, Krissie!!!

    Agreed, that picture is amazing. And so is your kid. Seriously. I love his comments.
