Cake Adventures year 3: After the efforts I put in to make fire truck jello cake and shaun the sheep cupcakes, it was with some trepidation that I asked Levi what shape of cake he wanted for his birthday. I was very worried he would choose Megalosaurus, and then hassle me over the details. I was so relieved when he held up his hands to demonstrate and said "circle". I gave him a high five and promised to deliver.
I was up late the night before his party, thinking about how I could make a round cake with no round cake pan and decided to make a rectangle cake, then cut it. Well... you see, I thought I had come up with a good egg substitution that would hold the cake together (cream cheese) but such was not the case. That cake turned into a rubble of vanilla flavored crumbs immediately upon exiting the pan. No rectangle, and no circle. Improvising, I began to moosh all the cake bits together into a dense circle-ish form. After that was accomplished, I added frosting and sprinkles and we had ourselves a cake! Maybe next year we should just go for cookies.
The celebrations included 3 days of saying "this is for your birthday!" about every activity. See below: