Sunday, January 11, 2009

Photoshop experiments

I have been reading Pioneer Woman Cooking blog for a while but I only just recently discovered the photography section of her blog.
I especially like her photoshop tips. She has made available "actions" which is just her photoshop edits in downloadable bundles. So you can take what she has done to a photo and pick it apart and learn how to get the same effects on your own photos. It is very fun, and an easy way to learn a bit more about photoshop. Anyway, here are some recent photos that I have edited, followed by their original file. I think the edited photos are much more inviting to the eye.


  1. wow. especially the eyes on the last one. nice. it helps if your kid is beautiful.

  2. wow, those are amazing!!! i'm going to have to read up on how to do that one of these days!

  3. you might really like the digital scrap book blog at
